모든 선박을 안전하고, 신속하게!


Pilotage is compulsory for the below vessel when she is to be berthed or unberthed, and is to drop or heave up anchor at M1 ~ M7 anchorage.

a foreign flag vessel of more than 500 G/T

a national flag vessel of more than 500 G/T which is engaged on international voyage

a national flag vessel of more than 2,000 G/T which is not engaged on international voyage

Pilot boarding ground is as follows :

  • 1) No.1 Pilot Station : 35° 21' 10"N 129° 25' 28"E for vessels other than No.2 and No.3 Pilot Station
  • 2) No.2 Pilot Station : 35° 20' 18"N 129° 27' 07"E for Vessels ≥ LOA 200m or Vessels ≥ G/T 50,000
  • 3) No.3 Pilot Station : 35° 19' 03"N 129° 28' 33"E for VLCC

For vessels at anchor, Pilot boards at their anchor position. Pilot boat leaves station 45 - 15 minutes before boarding time, according to ship's position.